5/4/96      87 days

Something Isn’t Right


The light isn’t right

Come out, look above

The chill will be worth it

A rarity in the night sky


No, over here

To the left, up, no over there

You had seen something new before

Who could believe

You will be gone before this happens again?

But this is you

Because of you

You are with me because its you

Reciprocity and I can’t do my part

Except for inspiration


Try squinting…Try something


Enjoy it from afar?

We settle for the concept but not…


Behind you, to guide you.

So small between my arms

I’ll pick the angle I will aim the lenses

To the left, up, over there

Not good enough to just stand behind


Together a thought



You to my right with your left

My right hand on your right shoulder

Lean on me as I have you

Your left and my right

A shared vision

Half for each, so much more then enough for both

Temples touch all we know completes its orbit sans bone



Twice in a life time

We are as close as before my birth

Then, me soon leaving

Now, you leaving soon

The darkness of this universe approaching

Your sun setting

The Earth always gets in the way

My eyes are a beautiful thing

They attach directly to my heart

Allowing me to see clearly into your beautiful soul